In response to recent media coverage related to welfare benefits, the EBIAC Manage Mary McManus has written an article for View Digital. You can read the article here.
Knock Golf Club Ladies swing into action to support east Belfast advice centre
Gerard Morgan (EBIAC), left, with Lora-Jane McDonnell (EBIAC) Sidney Ewing (EBIAC), Sinead Murray, (Lady Captain Knock Golf Club), Mary McManus (EBIAC), Carlie Martin (EBIAC) and Peter O’Hare (EBIAC)
EBIAC is celebrating an early Christmas present after it received a cheque from a golf club
Every year Knock Golf Club, Ladies Section, organises a range of activities to raise money for good causes. One of their nominated charities is local independent advice centre EBIAC, located in East Belfast Network Centre, Templemore Avenue.
EBIAC provides free, independent and confidential advice on people’s rights in relation to Social Security, Housing, Employment, Debt and Consumer issues.
Praising the club for its £1421 donation, advice centre manager Mary McManus said, “Everyone in EBIAC is delighted that the Knock Golf Club chose to recognise the work the centre does by nominating us as one of their charities.
EBIAC has been in existence since 2000. We provide advice and assistance to thousands of people every year. We support a wide range of people including those who have been diagnosed with an illness, people on a low income, the disabled, pensioners and carers.
“Not only do we provide advice but we also help with forms, letters and phone calls, we even provide representation at Social Security Tribunals. Life can be unpredictable; we are here to give people practical support when life takes an unexpected turn. “
Ms McManus added: “Like other charities we must fundraise in order to provide our services. This donation will help us to continue to deliver our services and we would like to thank the Lady Captain and everyone at Knock Golf Club for this kind donation.”
Sinead Murray, Lady Captain of Knock Golf Club, said, “Knock Golf Club, Ladies section, are delighted to support the good work of EBIAC.”